BRANDINGMy favorite part: I stole it. Yes, of course I improved it a little, but I stole it anyway. But it's not a sin to steal from a thief? Or is it? Well, the story of my robbery. In the 'District 9' movie about aliens in South Africa, there was a squad of MNU villains and they had
chevrons with a goat on it (technically it was oryx, addax or something but nevermind).
MNU were so cool that the musicians from the South African group Die Antwoord decided to steal the emblem and make their logo, and at the same time the frontman got it as a tattoo on his
shoulder. I didn't get any tattoos, but I took a logo with such a rich history, improved it a bit, and made it the logo of our product. The font in the logo is the author's (mine).