Tactical web-based
kanban planner
Yeah, well, I'm gonna go build my own theme park. With blackjack and hookers.
— Bender Bending Rodriguez
Idea, Naming,
Branding, Product Design
Idea, Naming, Branding, Product Design
In the work of the development team, coherence is needed, which, among other things, is achieved by the tracking tool. Our team used a fairly popular, but, in our opinion, far from ideal kanban tracker, which did not have everything that was needed, but there was a lot that was not needed at all. Thus, like the Bender robot, we decided to make our own, but not a theme park — our own tracker, which will be completely ideal (in our opinion).
The product is not public, created for corporate use, unfortunately you cannot poke it. If I tell you about all its cool details, then you will be able to replicate it, and this is unallowable. But some of them you can find below. Please, keep it secret, just between you and me.
Karoo Desktop
Main screen with kanban board
Karoo Desktop
Ticket editing view
But to put all the competitive advantages in one proposal, then I can say this: when designing, I focused on simplicity, which consisted in the fact that there were no unnecessary elements in the system that would flash like a series of buttons, icons, plaques and other artifacts in useless quantity.
Approach was easy as 'What? You don't use this feature every day (every hour, every minute)? Great, we're taking it out. Now'. And there also was an easter egg with a code for immortality — IDDQD for yellow eyes on logo.
Karoo Desktop
Backlog for planning future sprints
The name should be unique, right? In my opinion, to name a product by the name of random nature national park is quite unique — this is how unique I did. Oh wait! This is completely non-unique, one very expensive company has done this many times. Among other things, it seems to meet the phonetic requirements for a product name.

My favorite part: I stole it. Yes, of course I improved it a little, but I stole it anyway. But it's not a sin to steal from a thief? Or is it? Well, the story of my robbery. In the 'District 9' movie about aliens in South Africa, there was a squad of MNU villains and they had chevrons with a goat on it (technically it was oryx, addax or something but nevermind).

MNU were so cool that the musicians from the South African group Die Antwoord decided to steal the emblem and make their logo, and at the same time the frontman got it as a tattoo on his shoulder. I didn't get any tattoos, but I took a logo with such a rich history, improved it a bit, and made it the logo of our product. The font in the logo is the author's (mine).
Karoo Logo

My favorite part: I stole it. Yes, of course I improved it a little, but I stole it anyway. But it's not a sin to steal from a thief? Or is it? Well, the story of my robbery. In the 'District 9' movie about aliens in South Africa, there was a squad of MNU villains and they had chevrons with a goat on it (technically it was oryx, addax or something but nevermind).
Karoo Logo
MNU were so cool that the musicians from the South African group Die Antwoord decided to steal the emblem and make their logo, and at the same time the frontman got it as a tattoo on his shoulder. I didn't get any tattoos, but I took a logo with such a rich history, improved it a bit, and made it the logo of our product. The font in the logo is the author's (mine).
Of course, like any self-respecting software product, our tracker needed a mobile version — after all, everyone wants his team to work not only at the workplace (sarcasm, sane people do not want this).
Karoo Application
Karoo Application

We have made a rather successful and convenient product that allowed us to forget about all the shortcomings of the previous platform. Team productivity increased by 23.771(3)%. We didn’t have ambitions to take over the world with this product, but we were happy to share it with our partners and friends. Throughout its use, it was constantly improved and supplemented. The best illustration of the phrase 'I did it as for myself'.
To know me better, say hi or for detailed inquiry send me an email to m@fomchenkov.co